The blossoming begins in Okinawa in January and typically reaches Kyoto and Tokyo at the end of March or the beginning of April. Japan's iconic Cherry Blossom captures the attention of visitors and locals as beautiful pink flowers blaknket the country in spectacular colour.
View ProjectCrufts is organised and hosted by the Kennel Club. It is held over four days (Thursday to Sunday) in early March at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) in Birmingham, England. It is the largest show of its kind in the world, as declared by Guinness World Records. Crufts consists of several competitions occurring at the same time. The main competition is for the Best in Show award, which is hotly contested by dogs and their owners throughout the world.
View ProjectThought to date back to the Bronze Age, the shin-high stumps became visible for the first time when the peat which once covered them was washed away in torrential rain and waves pounding the shore. Now they stud the beach near the village of Borth, Ceredigion, Mid Wales – an area already rich in archaeology, opposite the alleged site of Wales’s own take on the lost city of Atlantis. The oak and yew stumps were once part of a forest that covered the whole area before it turned into a peat bog and was eventually overwhelmed by water. The 5,000-year-old trees emerged on the beach in Mid Wales after peat was washed away. The stumps have been miraculously well preserved due to the conditions in the peat bog which are deprive of oxygen and usually have a high alkaline level.
View ProjectJapanese wedding customs fall into two categories: traditional Shinto ceremonies, and modern Western-style weddings. Most couples choose their wedding style, not for any religious reason, but rather as a fashion statement.
View ProjectThe brief was to capture Tokyo, showing the location to someone unaware of the touristic hotspots. Shot in the style of street photography, the colours, vibe and atmosphere of the Japan captial were enhanced using digital post production processes.
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